Webinar: Understanding New International Markets

Brought to you by Net Natives 

Tuesday 24 October | 12:30pm (BST) | Zoom 

Unsure about your international market opportunity? Not confident in your strategy and toolkit to tap into new regions for undergraduate recruitment?

Tune into our team of Net Natives who know these markets better than anyone, including Will Harman (Account Director), Dorz Francz (Senior Strategist) and Ruoxin Zhang (Campaign Strategist China).

We'll look at successful campaigns across the agency as well as our own market research, to help you better understand what is behind the best strategies for a range of international markets.


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Our experts:

Will Harman

Will Harman 
Account Director


Dorz Francz
Senior Campaign Strategist

Ruoxin Zhang

Ruoxin Zhang
Campaign Strategist China

Students sitting on laptops

What to expect:

  • Data and insights from our research

  • Actions and recommendations based on successful campaigns to help you generate more high quality applications

  • Stats from successful campaigns to help you think more strategically with your approach

If you've got a question, get in touch

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